Graduating College and My Dad Surviving

I am not religious. I don’t believe there is one sole creator that weaved the world together and that we are merely just part of the fabric of the universe. I do believe in what I know, and what I do know is that life is what it is and it can be indifferent or forgiving. On Saturday, June 8th , I graduated college and life was forgiving, because on the same day, my father, who dedicated his life to me in order to make this possible, had a mild heart attack. Despite this, he was able to see me walk across the stage on Saturday. I don’t think that this is the work of a God. I do believe it was chance like so many other things in life: meeting a soul mate at a young age (no this didn’t happen), meeting a friend in the most random place on a different continent (yes, this happened to me), or being born in the USA (obviously, this did happen). I can’t imagine how easily on Saturday it could have gone the other way (because it didn’t happen), but I do feel the wave of fortune and euphoria that it did happen the way that it did (he’s alive and well ☺). With this in mind, I have come to think of life as a light bulb (and yes, you never know what type of bulb your gunna get). On Saturday, my dad’s almost went out, but instead only dimmed and then came back to life with a richer luminosity. I don’t know if it was God that kept him safe, but I’d rather thank God and find out there isn’t one than not thank him and find out there is.



And what he saw was the piles of garbage that insinuated destruction on this planet. The result of oxidation on society, the absence of morality, Deities lost after the war on servility. He saw the lashes on slave’s backs going way back. He saw men with three eyes and blue vegetables. These deformities hurt him horridly and morally. His eyes lengthened and his cheeks bended. He saw a fiery sunset of cerulean dispersing through red blood in a cup. Hiccup. He saw the castle of his tomb coming closer by boat on a factory line, and a man stabbing while behaving very smiley. He saw the blood of billions, dead by trillions of lost neurons; lost synapsis floating in obsidian cerebral fluid wilting. The sweltering cement scalded the blisters on his feet bare down to the tarsals. If you peer through the fog you can see the lunacy fringe. It’s not far ahead. Save him. How could you not save yourself? Or dare you throw muffins and corn, stuffings and porn? Send him through nuclear thermo mutagenesis. And fight the general consensus. Use pig hearts to cure his obesity, and bird brains for his raisin mind.

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